Introducing APEC Engineering on the 5 Wins

Hello, and welcome to my new series, the 5 Wins, a series that connects people and places. Today I'm at The Bistro enjoying a Watermelon Lush. Joining me today is Dennis Murphy and he is from APEC Engineering Consultants.

We'll be discussing hurricane strapping, as it is an essential part of building construction in the Cayman Islands. A hurricane strap is essentially a metal connector that ensures your trusses and roof rafters stay on your building. In the last ten years, these have been integrated into many of the buildings here.

From a real estate perspective, this is extremely important. This has an amazing impact on the value of the home, and this is why hurricane strapping is considered to be one of the best defenses against hurricane damage. 

As always, I have my guests pick a local charity to donate to, and Dennis has chosen the Cayman HospiceCare. I'm sure they will appreciate that donation very much!

And last but not least, Ainslee Bodden is the winner of our Facebook 'Like' Contest. You'll be receiving a certificate for a free dessert at the Bistro soon!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the topics we've discussed.

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