What Can you do to Stay Worry-Free in Real Estate?

Thanks for visiting with me again, everyone. I just want to take a moment today to talk a little bit about the psychology of the property market and how to keep your emotions stable as you go through the buying and selling processes.

I'm not claiming to be a counselor and I don't give out advice on life, but I want to say this: It's important to keep a level head and remain unemotional when you are making a decision as it relates to buying or selling a property. 

It's understandable to get frustrated when things get stressful and unravel somewhat. It's also understandable that you want to keep the memories of your home intact, but you have to remember that you are trying to sell the home for a very practical reason. Equally we have to be mindful of timing so we can be organized for moving day well in advance...this removes the stress more than you may think.

The key to buying or selling property is all about keeping calm and carrying on. I have been doing this long enough that I can help guide you through the process without any stress, making things as smooth as possible.

If you have any questions for me at all, please feel free to send me an email or give me a call. I'd be delighted to hear from you.

Why has 2014 Been so Great in The Cayman Islands?

Hi everyone. I just wanted to send a quick message your way before the holidays to say thank you so very much for all the support this past year, even the constructive criticism regarding my videos. 

2014 has been a tremendously positive year here for real estate in Cayman and the projections are pointing to a fantastic 2015 as we strive further and further away from recessionary times. 

More importantly, I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you and yours the happiest of holiday seasons and New Year celebrations. This time of the year is always a very special time for families, so enjoy the time you get to spend with your loved ones this holiday season. Happy Holidays!

How Does Real Estate Operate in The Cayman Islands?

Cayman Islands Real Estate AgentToday I just want to take the time to explain a little bit more about the real estate association here in the Cayman Islands. It is called CIREBA, which stands for Cayman Islands Real Estate Brokers Association. It was founded over 30 years ago, and is comprised of 31 different agencies and 179 different agents.

We are a very well managed and monitored association that has very strict rules and regulations. We have a board of directors, elected annually, that monitor and manage all of the different agents in these fair isles.

CIREBA offers us agents many things, training for example, but the most important thing they provide us with is a multiple listing system, or MLS; something that investors from Europe may not understand if they haven't purchased a home on this side of the world. The MLS is a database that houses all the information on every listing that goes on the market in The Cayman Islands. The important thing to remember is that for access to our MLS, you just need 1 agent. 1 agent has access to ALL the listings, and makes life a great deal easier for you as a property investor.

If you have any particular questions, or would like further clarification about anything to do with the Cayman Islands property market, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!